
n. 平面, 扁平物, 机翼, 飞机, 水准, 地位
a. 平的, 平面的
vt. 将…刨平, 刨平, 掠过水面
vi. 翱翔, 乘飞机旅行, 刨掉

n. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
n. a level of existence or development
n. a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
n. a carpenter’s hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood


1.Or a plane on top of a plane, for that matter.


2.I thought if babies were on the plane, the plane couldn’t crash.

我想着如果飞机上有婴儿 那么飞机就不会坠毁

3.Speed of the plane, weight of the plane, and the plane’s gforce of 32.036, we’ll reach 8,000 feet in six minutes and 42 seconds, and then the ground quickly thereafter.

根据飞机的速度和重量 加上32.036的重力 我们6分42秒后就会降至2400米 然后很快便会撞击地面

4.Letting whatever’s on this plane come crashing down on this plane.

让这个平面上的东西 坠落到这个平面上

5.The planes are dirty, the passengers are unhappy, and planes crash.

飛機很臟 乘客不開心 還會失事

6.That fighter plane is the greatest fighter plane that was ever built.

这架喷火式飞机 是所有喷火式飞机中最好的一架

7.That plane came back, and that plane brought us back.

这架飞机能够返航 这架飞机能把我们都带回来

8.This isn’t the telescope moving inside the plane but the plane moving around the telescope.

这不是望远镜在飞机中移动 而是飞机在望远镜周围移动

9.Putting the body in the plane, cleaning up the blood, shoving the body out of the plane.

把尸体抬到飞机上 清理血迹 把尸体从飞机上推下去

10.I’m just saying, if he fell out of a plane, that plane is long gone by now.

如果他是从飞机上摔下来的 那飞机早就飞走了
