
n. 制造, 生产, 产物
[医] 产生, 生成

n. the act or process of producing something
n. a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television
n. (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law
n. a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated


1.The robots actually grab the products and bring the products to the people who put those products into the box.

机器人能抓取物品 将物品送到员工手中 员工再将物品装包

2.Our products cost more because they are better products.


3.Alexa, there should be 14 new products at the new production presentation, but I only see 13 new products on this list.

艾丽莎 新品发布会上 本该有14件新产品 但我只在这个名单上看到了13件新产品

4.The product isn’t the platform, and the product isn’t your algorithm, either.

你的平台并不是产品 你的算法也不是产品

5.I have product, you know people who want product.

我有货 而你认识想要货的人

6.Dad, you were a product a product of, you know, where you grew up.

爸 你的成长经历造就了以前的你

7.Luke, we’ve got products in production, investors committed to this.

卢克 我们现在正在制作 投资人都等着呢

8.Automating a new product requires an initial investment which is usually quite expensive when compared with the unit cost of the product, even though the cost of automation may be spread among many products over time.

将某种新产品的生产自动化所需的前期投资 与该产品的单位成本相比 是一笔非常高昂的投入 即便实现自动化的费用 可以被以后的大规模量产平摊

9.What we tried to do was to make this product a status product, giving it this sense of quality.

我们的做法是让这款产品看着更高档 让它更有质感
