
n. 大混乱, 混沌
[化] 混沌; 浑沌

n. a state of extreme confusion and disorder
n. the formless and disordered state of matter before the creation of the cosmos
n. (Greek mythology) the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universe
n. (physics) a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions


1.chaos in the environment, chaos in your head.

环境乱的话 脑子里也乱糟糟的

2.But, see, chaos theory isn’t exactly about chaos.

但是 混沌理论并不是讲混乱的

3.Those secrets out there cause chaos, and that chaos takes innocent lives.

这些秘密会引起骚乱 而无辜的人会在骚乱中丧生

4.I am not gonna let this place fall into chaos, and chaos is what you bring.

我不会让这个地方陷入混乱之中的 而你们只会引起混乱

5.Jared is bringing chaos to the house, and chaos is bad for our business.

贾里德为这里制造了混乱 而混乱不利于我们的生意

6.And I think there’s a very fine line between creating chaos because of the adventure and creating chaos because of the dependency on it.

我觉得 是有条细微的分界线横在 因冒险而制造混乱 和因酗酒而制造混乱中间的

7.This whole big, wild universe is borned of chaos, and that chaos is always a mere breath away.

整个巨大的宇宙都是由混沌构成的 而混沌总是会稍纵即逝

8.Ma’at prevailing over chaos, chaos represented by the rough, rude cliff face behind, an incredible piece of work.

有序战胜无序 它身后粗糙而狂野的绝壁代表着无序 非常惊人的作品

9.And maybe order will win out, or maybe chaos, but killing your sister was like a ing hammer blow for chaos.

也许最终秩序会得以建立 也许会陷入一片混乱 但杀害你姐是将我们推入混乱的一记重锤

10.I know that, that would be chaos for all of you.

