
adv. 也许, 大概
n. 可能性

r by chance


1.The information you seek maybe, maybe, maybe is in my possession.

你想要的信息 也许 也许就在我手里

2.So maybe it moved me to come here, and maybe maybe it also, maybe plan you know, I don’t know how it works.

所以或许是它让我来这儿的 又或许它也计划着 我也不知道其中原因

3.maybe he’s… maybe he’s looking for you.


4.maybe we’ll call, and maybe we won’t.

我们也许会打 也许不会

5.From where I’m standing, maybe you are, and maybe you aren’t.

在我看来 你可能准备好了 也可能没有

6.maybe they’ll believe you, maybe they won’t.

他们也许会相信你 也许不会

7.maybe there’s something there, maybe there isn’t.

也许事实存在 也许不存在

8.So maybe you’ll get it, maybe you won’t.

也许你能套出真话 也许不行

9.maybe that pans out, maybe it doesn’t.

也许那没事了 也许还有
