
n. 表现, 展览会, 展览品
[医] 投药, 展览, 展出

n. the act of exhibiting
n. a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display


1.There are 480 species of animal that exhibit homosexual behaviour, but only one species of animal on earth that exhibits homophobic behaviour.

据我说知 有四百八十种动物 有同性恋行为 但在地球上只有一种动物 有恐同行为

2.You’ve made an exhibition of yourself, and of me.

你真是出了洋相 我也跟着丢脸

3.It’s where all the vendors and exhibits are.


4.The exhibit’s about to open, and we’re out of witnesses.

展览就要开始了 而我们没有证人

5.with a person who exhibited… I’m not infected.

有过身体接触 我没有被感染

6.We had them all authenticated before the exhibition was hung.


7.When I did it and exhibited it, it sold instantly.

于是我画了张女人像 然后展出 很快就卖了出去

8.I would like to exhibit it in my gallery.


9.Well, but it wasn’t a painting, it was an exhibit.

可那不是一幅画 是个展览

10.And there was this, like, abstract expressioni exhibit.

