
n. 绳, 索, 粗绳, 绞索, 决窍
vt. 捆, 缚, 绑, 圈起, 以绳将…系住
vi. 拧成绳状

n. a strong line
v. fasten with a rope


1.One from this rope, and another from a rope earlier.

一道是这根绳子的 另一道是之前勒的

2.I don’t know, sometimes a rope is just a in’ rope.

我怎么知道 有时候发生了就是发生了 没有理由

3.And I had him against the ropes too.


4.You run your ropes, your pulling ropes over the top if it, and it helps redirect the force, so that you’re pulling up, rather than pulling down.

我们拉动绳子 绳子绕过A型架的顶端 这样就能改变拉力的方向 我们就能把石碑向上拉 而不是向下拉

5.The rope is strong through these hooks, so that if anyone individual pulls, it’ll just pull the rope out loosely.

绳子只有穿过那些钩子时才用的上力 所以如果只有一方拉动 绳子就会松掉

6.There’s a hook in your fender dug in real good, and it’s connected to a… a long metal rope and at the end of that rope is, well, it’s a massive fiveton cinder block.

你的挡泥板上有个挂钩 挂钩上绑着一条长长的金属绳 绳子的末端 绑着巨大的五吨重的煤渣块

7.I’m mad at myself for roping you into this.

我生自己的气 把你拖下了水

8.If you had left, you wouldn’t have been here when I was on the ropes.

如果你当时选择离开 那我有困难的时候你就不会在我身边了

9.It was my idea, I roped you into it.

这是我的主意 你只是配合我

10.The rope moved all by itself, but you’re not high.

绳子自己动了 你还说你没嗑药
