
vt. 分配, 散布, 分发
[经] 分配, 分发

v. administer or bestow, as in small portions
v. make available
v. give to several people
v. spread throughout a given area


1.When we discuss distributive justice these days we’re mainly concerned with the distribution of income and wealth and opportunity.

现在当人们讨论公正分配时 主要的关注点是对收入 财富和机会的分配

2.I need to work with our distribution centers to see if we can’t get the distribution centers to take some of that pressure off the stores.

我要改善我们的物流中心 尽量让物流中心 为店员减轻压力

3.And distributing it, which is why we arrested her.

而且分销 所以我们逮捕了她

4.Might be how they distribute the heroin.

也许被他们用来分销 了

5.I want you to have it, to be in charge of distributing it.

我希望你拿着这些 负责分发出去

6.And it all starts with solid distribution.


7.We are distributing rations, but they are meagre.

我们虽 分发 但还是远远不够

8.I just distribute and it’s never up to me.

我只负责分配 而且轮不到我做主

9.They don’t realize we’re doing mobile distribution.


10.distributes more of this filth than anybody.

