
n. 强制, 约束
[计] 约束

n. the state of being physically constrained
n. the act of constraining; the threat or use of force to control the thoughts or behavior of others


1.I’m sick to death of all these constraints.


2.I’m under the same constraints as everyone at this base.


3.But I’m bound by the constraints of the parish council.


4.It’s a living organi , which means it has to have some constraints.

是有生命的有机物 所以它肯定有局限

5.Look, given the time constraints, we did everything we could.

基于时间限制 我们已经尽全力了

6.Realize that limits, constraints, they can be useful.

你要知道限制和约束 也是可以利用的

7.Now we’re free from any constraints, we can do what we like.

现在我们脱离了一切束缚 可以做自己喜欢的事了

8.It’s a bitch to hack into, especially with the time constraints we’re under.

很难入侵进去 特别是在这么短的时间内

9.It seemed to free the mind of its workaday constraints.


10.And the time constraints, the schedule that they put on themselves, was incredibly tight.

而且时间有限 他们给自己制定的日程非常紧
