
n. 独立自主者, 无党派者
a. 独立的, 有主见的, 不须依赖的, 不受约束的

a. free from external control and constraint
a. (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence
s. not controlled by a party or interest group


1.There was a lot of independents, and the independents typically were all operations and not great real estate, which really provided the opportunity for the superstore concept later on.

还有很多独立录像店 独立录像店通常是小规模经营 没有很大的产业 这的确为之后超级录像店概念的诞生 提供了机会

2.Girls feeling more independent, feeling a little more independent and, uh, just feeling like, uh, you know, they had their rights and it was their time to come party.

今天的女孩放得更开了 更加不受约束 然后 感觉… 她们有权这么做 她们该参加派对了

3.I’m running against you as an independent.


4.I’m not on one. ??I did it all independently.

我沒有簽約公司 我是完全獨立制作的

5.We were fighting for the independence of our country.


6.I didn’t come here to debate your independence.


7.Then, and only then, will we have true independence.

直到那时 也只有那时 我们才是真的自由

8.I thought you reveled in your independence.


9.But that wasn’t a great start to independence.


10.She told me you can’t teach independence.

