
n. 拜访, 访问, 游览, 视察
vt. 拜访, 访问, 参观, 视察, 降临
vi. 访问, 参观, 闲谈

n. the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time
n. a meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice
n. the act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection)
n. the act of going to see some person in a professional capacity


1.Well, you visit this cousin, make sure it’s not a friendly visit.

你去拜访这位堂兄 确保能给他个警告

2.Instead of visiting graves, their parents get to visit dorm rooms.

他们的父母 才没有上墓地 而是去宿舍去看他们

3.I’m here visiting a patient who needed surgery, just like I’ll visit you when you’re here for your quadruple bypass.

我来看望一个需要手术的患者 如果你来这做心脏搭桥手术 我也会来看望你的

4.I feel bad that I resent having to visit him every day, but I know I’d feel bad if I didn’t visit every day.

我很惭愧我抱怨 每天都得去看他 但我知道我要是不每天去看他我会感到内疚

5.You know, the last three times she’s come to visit, you made her sit in that cold, gray visiting room, phone in her hand, waiting for a brother that never shows.

你记得吧 她最后三次过来探监的时候 你让她坐在那个又冷又阴暗的探监室里 她手里拿着电话 等着永远不会现身的哥哥

6.So it’s weekly home visits for each kid, weekly meetings with each set of parents, court reports, family partnership meetings, school visits and coordinating with their social workers.

所以每周要对每个孩子进行家访 每周与各个家庭的父母会面 还有法庭报告 家庭合作会议 学校访问以及与他们的社工协调

7.A minute or two might not seem significant, but when we spoke to your colleague, she did some calculations and rightly reminded us that if these unwarranted toilet visits were to take place at an estimate of two minutes per visit, you would accrue over four hundred minutes every year.

只是一二分钟似乎没什么大不了 但是当我们和你的同事交流时 她做了个计算 提醒了我们 如果这种没必要的如厕 每次都要花上两分钟时间 每年你会偷工超过四百分钟

8.Your visit here, this is most curious.


9.We’re down there if you want to visit.

如果你想看看的话 我们就在那边

10.So your visit was a triumph? It was.

你们这一趟很成功吗 是的
