
a. 奇怪的, 陌生的, 生疏的, 不熟悉的, 不可思议的, 外行的, 外地的, 异乡的

a. being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird
s. not known before


1.That was strange at first, and then it wasn’t strange.

一开始很奇怪 而后习以为常

2.Living in a strange house in a strange country with a strange man.

我和一个陌生男人 住在一个陌生国家的陌生房子里

3.So this is strange, the strange findings.


4.But there are these strange, strange things in the neck.


5.So strange, you’re not alone with the thinking that it’s strange.

太奇怪了 你不是唯一一个觉得奇怪的人

6.Living in a strange country with a strange man.


7.Don’t say anything strange, don’t do anything strange, and don’t be a knowitall.

别说奇怪的话 别做奇怪的事 别做万事通

8.strange butts in my underwear, strange butts on my pillow.

里的陌生 枕头上的陌生

9.And only a few of them were strange.


10.Well, he was always a little strange, but then he started acting real strange.

他一直都有点奇怪 但后来他愈演愈烈了
