
n. 工作台
[化] 成型台

n. a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic


1.he was supposed to leave a, a package on the workbench.

他本应该把一个包裹 留在工作台上

2.Has a workbench, two sinks, plenty of privacy.

里面有工作台 两个水槽 大量的私密空间

3.I’m thinking like a workbench in a mechanic shop.


4.The one you used to have on your workbench next to your tools.

你总是把它放在工具台上 摆在工具旁边

5.Yeah, uh, he took something off the workbench and ran out.

对了 他从工作台上拿走了什么东西 然后就跑了

6.I had a garage, workbench full of new tools, my own espresso machine.

我本来有个车库 摆满工具的工作台 还有我自己的咖啡机

7.Yeah, mate, a bar or a workbench, not ing salad tongs.

是啊 伙计 作坊或者工作台 不是什么沙拉工具
