
n. 卡车, 货车, 对…进行交易, 来往, 实物工资, (供应市场的)蔬菜, 废物, 废话
vt. 对…进行交易, 交往, 以卡车运输
vi. 驾驶卡车, 以物易物

n. an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling
v. convey (goods etc.) by truck


1.A car or the truck? It’s the truck.

轿车还是那辆卡车 是那辆卡车

2.But that’s your truck. I know it’s my truck.

但这就是你的卡车 我知道这是我的车

3.No, I’m saying the drugs aren’t in the truck, they are the truck.

不 我是说 不在车里 就是这辆车本身

4.When this truck leaves, do not follow the truck.

等卡车开走时 不要追着卡车跑

5.trucks are about to be hijacked, trucks that are rented off the books.

被劫的卡車 私下租賃的卡車

6.I’ve driven a tow truck, a dump truck.


7.A truck is where I began, and a truck is where I shall remain.

我是餐车起家的 我就该继续做餐车

8.A truck driver picked me up. I was sleeping in his truck.

一个卡车司机送我的 我睡在他车里

9.We have another friend that’s coming but he was in a truck, he was driving a truck.

我们还有个朋友在路上 但他在卡车上 他开卡车来

10.You like fire trucks, I like fire trucks.

你喜欢消防车 我也喜欢消防车
