
n. 悬挂, 诀窍, 意义
vt. 悬挂, 附着, 装饰, 垂下, 踌躇, 绞死, 使悬而未决
vi. 悬着, 垂下, 被绞死, 悬而不决

n. the way a garment hangs
n. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast’s weight is supported by the arms
v. be suspended or hanging
v. cause to be hanging or suspended


1.hang on, hang on, move your hand, hang on.

等等 等等 手动一下 等下

2.They’ll hang you, they’ll hang your son.

到时候他们会绞死你 绞死你儿子

3.hang on, hang on. I don’t have eyes outside.

等一下 等等 我看不到外面

4.hang out, hang yourself, I really don’t care.

呆着 上吊 我根本不在乎

5.Oh, hanging in there or pretending to hang in there.

还在坚持 或者说是硬撑着

6.Look, who you hang out with or don’t hang out with isn’t any of my business.

聽著 你和誰在一起 不和誰在一起都與我無關

7.You gotta hang the lights before you hang the garland.


8.hang on, hang on. I got a better idea.

等等 等等 我有个好主意

9.Kate, hang up the phone, hang up the phone.

凯特 挂断电话 挂断电话

10.Yeah, but, you know, just hang on, hang on.

可是… 等等 等等
