
n. 学院, 院校, 学会

n. a secondary school (usually private)
n. an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature
n. a school for special training
n. a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge


1.If it were up to me, you would not be in the academy.

要我说 你连进警校的资格都没有

2.Be that as it may, while you are at the academy, you will follow academy rules.

可能吧 但你在学院期间 你必须遵守学院的规章

3.We didn’t accept you into the academy because of who you are.

我们不是因为大家现在的样子 而接纳你们

4.But that’s not why I was so hard on you in the academy.


5.You have to go through the academy and graduate.

得去上完大学 然后毕业

6.When you were admitted to the academy, I was pregnant.

你被学院录取时 我怀孕了

7.You just have to concentrate on what you have to do at the academy.


8.No, some kid fresh out of the academy.

不是 刚从学校毕业的新人

9.I got through the academy as fast as I did.


10.If you’re caught tonight, you’re out of the academy.

如果被识破 你们就会被学院开除
