
n. 票, 券, 车票, 标签, 入场券, 证明书
vt. 加标签于, 为…购票

n. a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
n. a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation)
n. the appropriate or desirable thing
v. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty


1.tickets, tickets, let me see your tickets.

检票 检票 请出示您的门票

2.tickets, tickets, let me see those tickets.

检票 检票 请出示门票

3.100 tickets. I’m not gonna write 100 tickets.

100张 我才不开100张呢

4.and get those tickets back. I really want the tickets.

再把门票要回来 我真的很想要门票

5.Please have your tickets ready to show at the ticket desk.

请拿好你的票 出示给检票人员

6.And when I went to buy me ticket to fly over here, they told me I already had a ticket.

然后我就去买机票飞到这里 他们告诉我我已经有机票了

7.Well, I traded in my first class ticket for two coach tickets.

我把我的头等舱机票 换成了两张经济舱的票

8.My parents said they weren’t gonna buy me tickets, but they didn’t say I couldn’t get tickets.

我的父母说他们不会给我买票 但他们没说我不能搞到票

9.No. I need a ticket to get in and I lost the ticket that they need to take, plus, I lost my pass.

不是 我要有票才能进去 结果票不见了 通行证也不见了

10.I got a refund on one ticket and traded in the other to buy two coach tickets and to pay for a cheap hotel.

我退了一张头等舱机票 拿另外一张 换了两张经济舱机票 订了一家便宜的酒店
