
n. 补足物, 补语, 补数
vt. 补充, 补足
[计] 补码; 反相器; 补数

n. a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
n. a complete number or quantity
n. number needed to make up a whole force
n. something added to complete or embellish or make perfect


1.That’s why you work, ’cause you complement each other.

所以你们才合得来 因为你们互补

2.I also had this made as a complement.

我还给你准备了这个 让你更漂亮

3.The way you complement each other was so fantastic.


4.I’m a necessity, the complement to your cowardice.

因为你的胆小 我是必要的

5.Yeah, I think we complement each other.

对啊 我觉得咱俩很互补

6.And to complement the apple, I’m adding the elderberry.

为了提升苹果馅料的风味 我加入接骨木果酒

7.We have the full complement of rehabilitative toys.

我们有全套的 辅助康复玩具

8.complements of the brunette in the corner booth.


9.I was sketching the park, when he complemented my work.

我在公园画素描时 他过来赞美了我的作品

10.complemented it, like red wine and steak.

是痛苦的补充 就像红酒和牛排
