
n. 结论, 结尾, 推论
[法] 缔结, 结论, 推论

n. an intuitive assumption
n. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
n. a final settlement
n. the last section of a communication


1.Gideon, rush to conclusions, jump to conclusions.

基甸 匆忙得出结论 草率得出结论

2.Let’s not jump to any conclusions here.

If you believe any Athosians…

3.Well, that is not conclusive, but it is compelling.

虽然不是确凿证据 但也很有力

4.What we have here is a case, not a foregone conclusion.

我们手头上的这个案子 还没到板上钉钉

5.”conclusive force” was not in the brief.


6.Let’s not jump to any dangerous conclusions.


7.Both tests are conclusive, but both can’t be true.

两个测试都很有说服力 但不可能两个都对

8.Ferguson is not alone in his conclusions.


9.I did not show that, that’s not the conclusion of the study.

并不能 这不是我的实验的结论

10.It was found as a conclusion in that victory.

