
[计] 加密

v convert ordinary language into code


1.You see, it’s got militarygrade encryption, and you would need a diagnostic controller, which is also encrypted.

它们的加密是军用级别的 你还需要一个诊断控制器 那也是加密的

2.One of the best ways to protect your privacy is to use encryption, but encryption is so incredibly hard to use.

保护隐私最好的方式之一 就是使用加密 但是加密实在是太难使用

3.But it has to be voice, and it’s encrypted.

但一定在传话 而且加密了

4.It was already built into my encryption.


5.And get this all their messages to each other were encrypted.

而且 他们给对方发的信息 都是加密的

6.But aside from the pictures, it’s all encrypted.

但是除了照片 都是加密文件

7.Will be once I crack the encryption.

只要我破解了加密 就能听清楚了

8.But the encryption on your files is all but unbreakable.


9.It’s not that simple, it’s going to be encrypted.

没那么简单 肯定加密了

10.It’s more than safe. I built the encryption.

非常安全 整个加密算法都是我写的
