
n. 村庄
a. 乡村的, 村庄的

n. a community of people smaller than a town
n. a settlement smaller than a town


1.And village after village, I was so bored.

去过了一个个村庄 我太无聊了

2.And that’s what would have taken them from community to community, village to village.

这能让他们走遍 各个乡镇 各个村庄

3.There once was a village where there was a very happy family who employed all the villagers.

很久以前有个村庄 住着一个非常幸福的家庭 雇用所有的村民

4.It really does take a village, and I took my village for granted.

我真的需要大家帮助 可我却视为理所当然

5.We visited village after village, my feeling of helplessness growing.

我们去了一个又一个村子 我无助的感觉开始滋长

6.But, well, we’ve been here longer, so our village is I mean, it’s an actual village.

但我们在这里待的时间更长些 所以我们的村庄…是真正的村庄

7.Whatever’s underneath that village belongs to the people of the village.

不管那个村子底下有什么 那都是属于村民的

8.The village chief confirmed that attacks on both the villagers and their livestock were on the increase.

村长也证实 鳄鱼对村民和家畜的攻击 变得越来越频繁

9.Build a church on the high ground above the village, before there even was a village.

在这个村庄形成之前 在一个高于 村庄的高地上建一座教堂

10.Once a village has been identified with witchcraft, the whole village must burn.

一旦他们认定某个村子里有巫术存在 就要烧掉整个村子
