
n. 碎片, 破片, 片段
[计] 段落; 片段; 分段

n. a piece broken off or cut off of something else
n. an incomplete piece


1.Crime techs have pulled fragments of the bomb casings from the walls very all fragments.

犯罪现场小组从墙上发现了 炸弹外壳的碎片 碎片非常小

2.A sampling of skull fragments, two fragments in particular, showed defects or unnatural openings.

是一份头骨碎片样本 其中的两个碎片 具有非自然开口的特征

3.Points of impact of metal fragments not detectable, but splinters of wood and leather fragments are embedded into the woods.

虽然金属碎片的冲击力度无法检测 但木头碎屑和 皮革碎片被嵌入木头中

4.And one fragment… emerged to me, here.

我注意到 其中一个片段

5.If he doesn’t find any more bone fragments, this is all we’ll have.

要是他找不到更多的骨头碎片的话 这些就是全部了

6.Reagan, all I have are bone fragments.

雷根 我这儿有的只是些骨头碎片

7.I’ll check the bones for other fragments.


8.The fragment is of a radioactive xenomineral.


9.He doesn’t have fragments of memories to draw on.


10.I was there when they brought up the first fragments.

当他们找到第一个样品时 我就在那
