
n. 听众, 观众, 读者
[法] 听讼, 观众, 听众

n. a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
n. the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment


1.The audience is no longer an audience.


2.Ah, the audience! I just forgot the audience, and now I remember the audience.

听众 我刚忘记听众这茬 现在又记得了

3.He was our audience, and through him, you.

他是我们的观众 多亏他 你也成了观众

4.Our users become the audience and our audience becomes contributors.

我们让用户成为观众 观众再成为投稿人

5.You won’t because there’s no audience here.

你不会的 因为这里没有观众

6.I lost bookings because I wouldn’t play certain audiences, segregated audiences.

我丢了很多演出 因为我不愿为一些人演奏 种族歧视的听众

7.I had to go and sit in the audience, and be part of the audience, and watch the film with them.

那之后我就回到了观众席上 作为观众之一 和他们一起观看电影

8.It would seem that it caught audiences on the hop, audiences that didn’t want to see their heroes with the same neuroses as themselves.

也许是让观众措手不及 因为观众不希望看到自己的偶像 跟他们一样神经质

9.With the audience that I have currently, it’s a very young, teenage audience, and since I am a 17yearold kid, relating to them is not very hard.

现在关注我的用户 都是一群青少年 因为我也是个十七岁的青年 与他们交心并不是很难

10.And that gets the audience excited because the audience is going to see what went wrong, not what went right.

这会让观众激动起来 因为他们可以看到出错的地方 而不是顺利发展的情况
