
prep. 每一, 通过, 经, 按照
[经] 每, 按照

prep. Through; by means of; through the agency of; by; for; for
each; as, per annum; per capita, by heads, or according to individuals;
per curiam, by the court; per se, by itself, of itself. Per is also
sometimes used with English words.


1.Once per week, once per day, once per call.

每周 每天 每次通话

2.10cc’s per kilo, and we’ve started dopamine five mics per kilo per minute.

每公斤体重10毫升 还用了多巴胺 每分钟每公斤体重5毫克

3.Okay, no, not not flirty with you, uh, per per say.

好吧 不 不是想挑逗你 不是

4.The government pay per acre, per year.


5.Will doesn’t get paid per view or per story.


6.I’m a thousand per cent sure we’re a thousand per cent over.

我1000%地肯定 咱俩早结束了

7.I want 100 sales per person per day.


8.Actually, sir, that’s one per customer per visit.

其实 先生 每位顾客每次只能用一张

9.Don’t forget, 15 mgs per kilogram per minute.

别忘了 15毫克每升每分钟

10.Bolus him saline, 30cc’s per kilogram, then 250cc’s per hour.

快速静推生理盐水 每千克30毫升 然后每小时注射250毫升
