
a. 紧的, 密封的, 吝啬的, 严厉的
adv. 紧紧地

a. closely constrained or constricted or constricting
s. set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration
s. affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow
a. of such close construction as to be impermeable


1.Are you sure it’s not too tight? It feels too tight.

你们觉得不紧吗 我觉得太紧了

2.But it needs to be tight, it needs to be tight.

但它确实要卡的紧一点 确实要紧一点

3.Does this look too tight on me? It feels too tight.

我穿这个看起来紧吗 我感觉太紧了

4.I mean, it’s a little tight, but… I don’t think it’s too tight.

有点紧 但是 我不觉得紧

5.If it gets tight on the inside, tight when you get back on the outside.

在里面交到的好兄弟 等出去了还是好兄弟

6.Gotta gotta make ’em tight, real tight.

我得把它们旋紧 旋得非常紧

7.You’re the best in the world at getting out of tight spots, and I was in a really tight spot.

你是世界上最厉害的脱逃术师 而我当时真的处于险境

8.You’ve left one tight family and gone into another tight family.

你从一个美满家庭 进入另一个

9.Now I’m on the road four nights a week, and I have to wear these tight, tight uniforms, and I can’t gain any weight.

現在我每周有四晚都在飛機上度過 我得穿這些緊身制服 不能長一點肉

10….to show up to this bar wearing that red dress, which she looks oking hot in, and strut around with that tight, tight body, knowing that losers like me are going to come up to her and buy her drinks and hit on her all night and try everything they can to get into her pants, but she doesn’t even care, because she has the wit and verbal acumen to handle anything life throws at her.

穿着一身火红的裙子来酒吧 她穿着真是太美了 红裙衬出她S形的身姿 她傲视这里 知道我这样的没用鬼会来找她 整晚请她喝酒 找她搭讪 用尽办法哄她 但她根本不在乎 因为她有应对生活中一切不顺的 智慧与口才
