
n. 演讲, 说话, 谈话, 言语, 引语, 民族语言
[医] 言语, 语言

n. (language) communication by word of mouth
n. something spoken
n. the exchange of spoken words


1.The only free speech is private speech.


2.You want a speech? I’ll give you a speech.


3.And that’s because speech is hard and speech is complex.

这是因为语言很难 很复杂

4.Now what’s interesting about speech is that speech is onedimensional.

而关于语音 语音是一维的

5.she’s gonna need the speech to end all speeches.


6.And you can’t look down to read the speech you have to take the speech up.

你不能低头看演讲稿 你得把稿子往上举

7.All I know is that for the future of our country, you’re gonna have to give one last speech the speech that everyone needs to hear, a speech where you finally just talk like a normal human being.

我所知道的是 为了我们国家的未来 你必须发表最后一次演讲 人们需要这样一个交代 最终你仅以一个普通人的身份来完成它

8.First, freedom of speech does not just apply to speech you want to hear.

首先是言论自由 不仅仅适用于你想听到的言论上

9.What it says is, your language creates habits of speech, and those habits of speech translate into habits of thought.

它主张 你的语言会产生说话习惯 而这些说话的习惯 会转变为思考的习惯
