
[计] 半

n one of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament
n a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
n a trailer having wheels only in the rear; the front is supported by the towing vehicle


1.I’m in a hideandseek tournament, and we are in the semis.

我参加了捉迷藏比赛 现在是半决赛

2.There’s enough grease in here to lube a semi.


3.I know the difference between a cellphone and a semi.


4.The guy was on top of a truck or a semi or something.

那个人是在一辆货车 或者半挂车顶上

5.Let’s just say, I would not get a semi anymore.

我只想说 劳资以后再也不会卡中间了

6.I stole it from the cab of a semi last month.


7.hitched a ride accidentally in the back of a semi.

搭了順風車 進了牽引卡車的后車廂

8.That’s semi skimmed he’s frothing, not man milk.

他用来打泡的是半脱脂牛奶 不是

9.Eighteen geologists and three semis full of gear.


10.No semi’s gonna magically make you have good aim.

