
vt. 继承, 遗传
vi. 接受遗产

v. obtain from someone after their death
v. receive from a predecessor
v. receive by genetic transmission


1.When I inherited you, I inherited a friend, not a slave.

我希望你给我的是朋友 而非奴隶

2.Basically, you’ve inherited dad’s stubbornness, and I inherited his cheapness.

基本上 你遗传了爸的固执 我遗传了他的小气

3.Wally, we’re not interested in whether he inherits, or how much he inherits.

沃利 我们对他是否继承遗产 或他继承多少遗产毫无兴趣

4.So, like, instead of inheriting the anxiety of a trauma victim, they seem to inherit the resilience of a survivor.

他們沒繼承創傷受害人的焦慮 而是繼承了生存者的復原能力

5.I inherit from the past of my family, my city, my tribe, my nation, a variety of debts, inheritances, expectations, and obligations.

我继承了我的家族 城市 种族 国家 各类债务 遗产 期望 以及责任

6.Just as they inherited feathers from their flying ancestors, so they also inherited a lightweight, horny beak instead of a heavy jaw laden with teeth.

它们不仅从会飞的祖先那里继承了羽毛 还继承了轻巧的角质喙 而非沉重的带齿下颌

7.If that’s what you want to do, it’s your inheritance.

你的遗产由你决定 你想这么做就这么吧

8.It was my inheritance, as the earldom was.

那是我该继承的封号 就像我的爵位一样

9.It’s our inheritance. It’s all we know.

这是与生俱来的 是我们所知的一切

10.No, no. I inherited those from my brother.

不 不是 這些是從我哥哥那里繼承的
