
n. 舒适, 安慰, 安慰者
vt. 安慰

n. a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain
n. a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment
n. satisfaction or physical well-being provided by a person or thing
n. assistance, such as that provided to an enemy or to a known criminal


1.No, that isn’t all comfort; that would be no comfort.

不 这不是什么小小慰藉 根本不是慰藉

2.comfortable? I’m not trying to be comfortable up there.

自在 我上台可不是为了自在

3.My most comfortable belt with my most comfortable shoes.


4.comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.

安抚伤心之人 刺痛安逸之人

5.There she was, trying to comfort me, when I should’ve been trying to comfort her.

而她還在努力撫慰我 明明應該是我去努力安慰她

6.You are putting your comfort over the comfort of every other member.

你把你的舒适 凌驾于所有其他成员之上

7.I counsel you to seek comfort where I have sought comfort.

我建议你们 到我曾寻求安慰的地方去寻求安慰

8.I can’t no. I’m not comfortable doing this.

我做不到 我觉得这样不好

9.You should be comfortable with who you are.

