
n. 拇指
vt. 以拇指拨弄, 笨拙地摆弄, 用拇指翻旧, 迅速翻阅, 作搭车手势

n. the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb
n. the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb


1.Are you giving me a thumb’s up or a thumb’s down? I can’t tell.

你是在鼓励我还是鄙视我 我看不出来

2.I was just looking for thumbs up, thumbs down.

我只盼着结果如何 点赞还是失败

3.Two thumbs, yeah, she got both. two thumbs.

两个大拇指 她两个都有

4.He sold you out, cos you cut off his thumb, or you cut off his thumb, cos you knew he was going to sell you out.

因为你切了他的拇指 所以他出卖了你 或者是因为你早知道 他会出卖你 所以你切了他的拇指

5.III need your long thumbs to help me open something that requires, uh, long thumbs.

我需要用用你的大拇指 厨房里有东西 需要用长点的大拇指才能打开

6.The thumb can move right across the palm, and you can touch the tip of your thumb to your little finger.

它可以越过手掌 大拇指指尖能和小指相碰

7.So, if I hold up the chimp hand and the human hand, you can see that the chimp thumb is a bit weedy compared to the human thumb.

我现在拿着黑猩猩的手和人类的手 你们能看到黑猩猩的大拇指 与人的大拇指相比更纤细

8.It’s not a pain, but I have an awareness, an awareness in my right thumb, and when I move the right thumb, what happens is, I will experience a kind of disorientation, a dizzy feeling, and… and maybe some slight loss of appetite.

不是疼痛 但我有种感觉 我意识到是我右拇指的问题 我一动右拇指 一动它 我就觉得头晕目眩 还有点食欲不振

9.Their thumbs are in it, but their hearts aren’t.

他们的拇指在 但心不在

10.You’re under his thumb, same way I was.

你在他的掌控之下 跟过去的我一样
