
n. 十三岁到十九岁的少年

n a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity


1.After all, you are a teenager, full of teenage hormones.

毕竟 你是年轻人 体内都是青春期荷尔蒙

2.Why? I’ve never worked with teenagers before, and you are a teenager.

为什么 我从没跟青少年交流过 而你是青少年

3.Teenage girls are just as disgusting as teenage boys.


4.Meanwhile, she’s got teenagers selling heroin to other teenagers.

同时 她会找青少年把海洛因 卖给另外的青少年

5.I mean, not even teenage girls believe teenage girls.


6.I didn’t know about it at the time, for obvious reasons, but the older teenagers would bring the younger teenagers out here.

我当时不知道 原因不言而喻 但大孩子会带着 小一点的孩子过来

7.You had no idea whether you were dealing with what you might typically call an average teenager or a teenager with any type of limitations.

你也不知道你面对的 是一个你通常定义为正常的青少年 还是一个存在某些障碍的青少年

8.Just as an older teenager was finishing telling the morbid tale, and you could hear a pin drop in a car full of kids, other teenagers who had been hidin’ would suddenly bang on all the car windows.

就在恐怖故事快讲完时 一车的孩子都鸦雀无声 其他藏着的孩子 会突然敲打所有的车窗

9.As a teenager, he would have been withdrawn.

作为一个青少年 他应该很孤僻

10.Yeah, he’s a teenager, that’s what we do.

他是个青少年 我们就这样
