
n. 种, 类, 外形
[医] 茶剂; 种

n. (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
n. a specific kind of something


1.But if I only see you, and I’m a different species than you, then I should be with my species more.

但如果我只见你 而我又跟你不是一个物种 那我该多跟我同物种的人在一起

2.In any species, in almost any animal, there is always the potential for huge conflict, because within any species, all members of that species have the same needs.

任何物种 几乎所有动物 都可能因为种群内部全部个体 都有相同的需求而发生激烈冲突

3.What we’re seeing is a florescence of species, multiple species.

我们看到的是物种的全盛 多样物种

4.Viruses mutate when they jump from species to species.

病毒在从一个物种转移至另一物种时 通常会变异

5.We’ve documented more than 50 mammal species and a whopping 22 of them are carnivore species.

我们已经记录了五十多种哺乳动物 其中竟然有二十二种是食肉动物

6.She not only explained that process, she showed which plant species each butterfly species was dependent upon.

她不仅解释了这一过程 还展示了每种蝴蝶 所依存的植物种类

7.species diversity is greatest in rain forests, and 75% of all species live in rain forests.

物种多样性在热带雨林的体现尤为明显 75%的物种都生活于雨林中

8.I am trying to engineer a future with a species that is more violent, intolerant and possessive than any species in the history of this planet.

我正在试着筹划一个未来 里面的物种更暴力 更偏狭 更富占有欲 胜过地球历史上任何一类物种

9.It’s a very nice euphemi for a species that has replicated like a contagion across the planet, killing all other species in its wake.

这可真是美化的说法 毕竟人类这种物种 像传染病一样在这颗星球上疯狂繁殖蔓延 杀死了其他一切的物种

10.It’s also the case that different species can use different kinds of flashing sequences to signal what species they are.

不同物种间 使用不同的闪烁方式 用于区分物种差异
