
n. 人们, 家人, 亲属, 民族
a. 民间的

n. people in general (often used in the plural)


1.folks, folks, folks, I’m not a hero.

大家不要这样 我不是英雄

2.It is nice to “folk out” with “folk” folk.


3.All right, folks, folks, settle down, settle down.

好了 各位 安静 坐好

4.I know simple folk, and simple folk are forgiving.

我了解乡亲们 他们都是宽容的

5.I know simple folk, and simple folk are resilient.

我了解简单生活的人们 给他们点时间

6.Some folks met one some folks met the other one.

有些人见过一个 有些人见过另一个

7.That’s what folk like you want to believe happened to folk like me.

那是像你这样的人 希望相信我们这种人是这样爬上来的

8.The folks who deserve your concern don’t get it, and the folks you shouldn’t be concerned about get to tell you what to do.

你该关心的乡亲们 可没让你这么动感情 而你本应嗤之以鼻的人 反而可以对你指手画脚

9.You know, it’s funny how it’s always folks like him doing the killing, and the folks who cut his lawn are doing the dying.

有意思的是 总是 他这样的人在杀人 死的则是为他当牛做马的人
