
vt. 烧, 烧毁, 烧伤
vi. 燃烧, 发热, 烧毁
n. 烧伤, 烙印

n. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
n. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
n. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person’s body)
n. damage inflicted by fire


1.Hey, I burned you once, I’ll burn you again.

我能毁了你一次 就能毁了你第二次

2.I burned the letters. I burned them.

我把那些信都烧了 我烧了

3.I burned them. I watched them all burn.

我都烧了 看着它们化为灰的

4.and I burned it to ash. I burned it.

然后把它烧成了灰 我把它烧了

5.The tiny, tiny star, falling, falling, burning, burning, burning.

小小的星辰 落啊落 燒啊燒 燒啊燒

6.You know, they were burning, burning hot.

怎么没炸毛了 炸得跟烟花似的

7.And who’ll burn them? I will burn them.

谁来燃烧它们 我来燃烧它们

8.I don’t feel good. It’s burning, it’s burning.

我感觉好难受 在烧 在烧

9.burned the farm, burned our home, the village.

烧了农场 烧了我们家 烧了村子

10.We burned your body, and what’s burned stays dead.

我们烧了你的尸体 被烧掉的不会复活
