
n. 连接, 关系, 前后关系
[计] 连接

n. a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it)
n. the state of being connected
n. an instrumentality that connects
n. (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship)


1.I’m connected, but I ain’t that connected.

我有人脉 但是没有那么广的人脉

2.Maybe she can’t find a connection because there is no connection.

或许她没能找到联系 是因为根本就没有联系

3.To see how people would connect with you, if they would connect with you.

看看人们如何和你联系 他们是否会和你联系

4.Because when you connect, you’re gonna connect big.

一旦你遇到对的人 就是真命天女

5.Will is connecting murders that previously had no connections.


6.I wish I could connect with him before I’m connecting him to life support.

真希望在把他接到呼吸机上以前 我能跟他好好相处 相互理解一下

7.I just really connected with you, and I wanted you to connect with me.

我只是跟你合得来 我希望你跟我也合得来

8.That he’s capable of making connections emotional connections.

他能够把自己的意识 连接到

9.Come on, come on, little decoy, connect, connect.

快快快 假信标 连上 连上

10.I had a connection there, so I did speak with that connection, and he referred me to somebody else.

我在这有一些关系 我联系了他 他把我介绍给别人
