
pref. 宏
a. 巨大的, 大量的
[计] 宏

n. a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language
s. very large in scale or scope or capability


1.I’m I’m what you would call more of a a macro guy.

我更像是你说的那种 掌控大局的男人

2.They had an override word macro triggered to delete it.


3.Joe, you have to take a macro view on these things.

乔 你得从大局上来看这些事

4.Kathy rigged the system with macro keys.


5.马可·奥勒留 and how to think in, like, the biggest, possible macro co ic way.

《沉思录》 以及如何 在可能范围内用最宏观的方式去思考

6.where a similar macro designed by yours truly will forward you along to the sgc.

紧接着一个类似的宏程序就会启动 直接将你送到星门指挥部

7.I prefer to look at this from a macro point of view, not get bogged in the details.

我更想从宏观的角度来看待这件事 不要太纠结于细节

8.Once I erase the macro keys, and undo the attack, we can get outta here.

一旦我删除了宏键 撤销了攻击 我们就可以离开这

9.General landry was worried about the replicators rewriting the bridge macro to gate them somewhere else in the milky way.

Landry担心 复制者通过重新编写宏程序 可以抵达银河系的任何地方

10.Yes,we do,but thanks to your intergalactic gate bridge, all they have to do is rewrite your macro, and they can come out anywhere in the milky way.

是啊 不过感谢你的星门大桥 他们所要做的就是重写你的宏程序 然后可能会出现在银河系的任何地方
