
n. 子弹
[医] 弹, 子弹, 距节(马)

n. a projectile that is fired from a gun


1.She put a bullet in a guy before he put a bullet in me.


2.Every bullet ‭you take every bullet for him.

我们挨的每一颗子弹 都是为了他

3.Schoonover said get the bullet. I’m getting the bullet.

斯库诺弗说拿走子弹 我正在取子弹

4.Until he compared a bullet from the elk I sold him to the bullets he pulled out of his men.

直到他比对了我卖给他的麋鹿体内的子弹 和他手 内的子弹

5.You see, I need ‭my bullet maker making bullets.


6.Well, we tried going bullet for bullet with him, and you saw how that ended up.

我们试过以眼还眼 下场你也看到了

7.That timer will keep timing the whole time the bullet flies through the air right up until our bullet hits the target, crossing through the same type of piece of paper with foil on both sides, closing a switch connection, telling our timer to stop timing, and giving us an exact time of flight of the bullet from the rifle to the target.

计时器会一直走表 记录下子弹飞行所用的全部时间 直到子弹击中目标 子弹将穿透同样一张双面贴箔的纸 从而关闭电路 停止计时 便可准确得出 子弹从出膛至击中目标 在空中飞行的时间

8.If bullets start flying If bullets start flying, we don’t have an arrest we have a bloodbath.

一旦交火…一旦交火 别说逮捕犯人了 直接就是大 啊

9.A gun whose bullets matched the bullet found in the body of the deceased.

这把枪的子弹 与死者身上 发现的子弹是相吻合的

10.Only thing that gets through those walls is a bullet, which means the only way out is to become a bullet.

只有子弹能穿透那些厚墙 意思是 只有成为子弹才能离开那里
