
n. 馅饼, 财富, 总额, 贪污受贿, 杂乱, 喜鹊
[计] 饼图

n. dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pastry top


1.When your competitor takes a piece of the pie, it’s not just that his piece of the pie gets bigger, it’s that the whole pie gets aller until he’s the pie.

当你的对手拿了一块派 不仅仅是他的派变大了 是整个派变得变小了 直到他全部拿走

2.Easy as pie. I have attempted pie.

小菜一碟 我试过做小菜

3.No, he took the pie, he ate your pie, and then I ate him.

不是的 他拿走吃掉你的派 然后我把他吃了

4.Want some pie? I ain’t in the mood for pie.

想来口馅饼吗 我可没心情吃馅饼

5.Actually, the pie was cherry, but the taste of the pie was… bananas.

其实这个派是樱桃口味 但吃起来这美味简直香蕉你个大樱桃

6.I thought we could make a pie, like a cranberry pie.

我们不是要做个派吗 蔓越莓派什么的

7.Bobby snuck shit in a pie at the pie place.


8.If you think of pork pies, you wouldn’t line a pork pie tin.

比如做猪肉派的时候 也不用给锅刷油

9.In fact, mince pies, any one of those would probably work well in a mince pie.

说实话 那些酒都能用来做肉馅饼

10.But sadly, pie gave up on me when I got pie’s credit score into the single digits.

但可悲的是 餡餅放棄了我 因為我把餡餅的信用卡評分搞成了個位數
