
n. 过去, 昔时, 往事, 早年经历, 过去时
a. 过去的, 结束的, 卸任的, 过去时的
prep. 越过, 晚于, 超越, 超出…的可能性(能力、范围等)

n. the time that has elapsed
n. a earlier period in someone’s life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret)
n. a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past
a. earlier than the present time; no longer current


1.This isn’t the past, it’s the past of your past.

这不是过去 这是你的过去的过去

2.They will, but they haven’t yet, this isn’t your past, it’s the past of your past.

他们会消失的 但还没消失 这不是你的过去 这是你的过去的过去

3.But the past is in the past, and this is about now.

但过去是过去 今时不同往日了

4.Fitch said it was past it was past.

费奇说他俩已经是过去了 都过去了

5.I’m past it, and that felt like you’re past it, too.

我翻篇了 我感觉你也翻篇了

6.Because the past is the past and regret is vain.

因为过去就是过去 悔恨是徒劳的

7.Sometimes, the past should stay the past.

有时 过去的事就别再提及

8.Jonah’s gone, the past is in the past.

约拿不在了 过去都过去了

9.The wish fountain isn’t about my past, it’s not about your past.

许愿喷泉的意义不在于我的过去 或是你的过去

10…apologising for the past. ..apologising for the past.

为过去道歉 为过去道歉
