
n. 语法学, 入门书
[计] 语法检查

n. the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)


1.And grammar is incredibly powerful, because grammar is this one component of language which takes this finite vocabulary that all of us have and allows us to convey an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of ideas.

而且语法极其有用 因为语法是语言的一个这样的组成部分 它用我们所拥有的有限的词汇 使我们表达无限的信息 无限的思想

2.grammar is very important in learning a language.


3.You could start by using proper grammar.


4.Um, first of all, that’s terrible grammar.

先说一下 你的语法太差了

5.Correcting people’s grammar and spelling is so annoying.


6.I sift through the applicants, judging their spelling and grammar.

我得仔细研究每一位申请者 检查他们的拼写或是语法错误

7.Typos, grammar, something that could be clearer, whatever.

文稿 语法 你总能干点什么

8.I will offer a reader’s perspective, not grammar.

我给你提供读者的意见 不是语法意见

9.So far, they don’t have a lot of knowledge on grammar, which made me surprised.

到目前为止 他们对于语法掌握的并不多 这让我很惊讶

10.grammar is the first step on the thousandmile journey to accuracy.

在追求精确度的 漫漫长路上 语法是第一步
