
vi. 坚持, 固执, 持续, 坚称
[经] 持续

v. stay behind


1.And that’s what we are seeing, that when we put him in there with no access to clocks, no access to outdoor light, that clock still persists, those body rhythms still persist, they’re a real thing.

这就是我们看到的 当他在里面生活时 没有钟表 没有室外光 这台钟保持运转 身体的节律还在保持 它们是真实存在的

2.He’s persistent, which is why I have a restraining order.

他很固执 所以我申请了法院禁令

3.Well, I’ll give you this you are persistent.

我不得不说… 你还真是执着

4.I admire persistence, I really do, but we’ve been over this.

我真的很欣赏坚持 但我们都说过了

5.I’ve reminded the captain of such, but he’s persisting.

我跟警监说了 可他不听

6.She was selfish and stubborn, but I persisted.

她既自私又固执 但我还是很坚持

7.Lucky for me, my persistence paid off.

很幸运 我的坚持得到了回报

8.My persistence is stronger than your uppercut.


9.You’re persistent, sergeant. I’ll give you that.

你太固执了 中士 我会给你想要的

10.How you persist in spite of your limitations.

