
vi. 竞争, 对抗

v. compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others


1.Because at the end of the day, cities are competing for people, they’re competing for investment.

因为最终 城市都是在争取吸引到更多的人 吸引到更多的投资

2.You can’t just engage, you’ve got to compete, you can’t merely compete, you’ve got to win, and a win isn’t a win unless it’s a kill.

你不能只是参与 你要竞争 不仅仅竞争 你还要赢 而且除非绝杀 不然称不上赢

3.Most don’t have the skills to compete.


4.You don’t have to compete with anybody.

结了婚 你就不用跟别人竞争

5.I am not cheating because I am not competing.

我没有作弊 因为我没有在和你比

6.Okay, we compete against ourselves, not each other.

我们和自己竞争 而不是互相竞争

7.Plus, most of them aren’t too competent.

另外 他們大部分也不是很合格

8.All the girls competed for him, and I won.

女孩们为他争破头 最后我赢了

9.Didn’t have to compete for my parents’ attention.


10.This is so stupid. I didn’t come here to compete with you.

这太愚蠢了 我来这里不是为了和你竞争的
