
n. 委员会
[经] 委员会

n. a special group delegated to consider some matter
n. a self-constituted organization to promote something


1.And as punishment, he’s putting me on the school’s recycling committee even though I founded the committee, and I’m still not sure why he’d think that’s a punishment.

作为惩罚 他把我安排进了回收委员会 虽然这个委员会就是我创立的 我还是没搞清楚他为什么觉得这是惩罚

2.In both the house and senate space committees, the committee men have been pleading with an official of the space administration to tell them that he needs more money, and he’s been saying “no, he doesn’t.

在参众两院的航天委员会中 会里的工作人员一直恳求 航天局的一位官员 告诉他们他需要更多资金援助 而对方一直拒绝给予资金补贴

3.No, I’m with the committee for decency.

不是 我是礼仪委员会的

4.Oh, no, I’m not on the committee, no, no.

不 我不在委员会里 不在

5.No, you mustn’t be late for the departmental committee.

不行 你去部门委员会可不能迟到

6.They threw you off the judiciary committee.


7.We expect him to appear before the committee.


8.There was a reason you were on the planning committee.


9.Forgive me, but I have no faith in committees.

请恕我直言 我不相信任何委员会

10.The committee thanks you for your time.

