
adv. 不久, 早, 快, 宁可

r. in the near future


1.This can’t be happening. It’s too soon. It’s too soon.

不能这样啊 太早了 太早了

2.For soon, soon, they will have no peace.

因为很快 很快 他们就不得安宁

3.I will call you soon, okay? I very soon.

我尽快打电话给你 好吗 我… 尽快

4.Well, he’s gone too soon but won’t be soon forgotten.

他英年早逝 却会久久长存于我们心中

5.They’ll be there soon, so here’s what you do.

他们马上就到 你们要这么做

6.As soon as soon as we get an update, we’ll let you know.

我们只要有最新进展 就会告诉你

7.The governor will return soon and I soon thereafter.

总督很快就会回来 随后我也会回来

8.You’ll find that life gets easier soon, very soon.

生活会马上变得很轻松 很快很快

9.I don’t think this thing blows tonight, but soon, aficionados, soon.

今晚不会爆发 很快了 听众们
