
a. 十分的, 彻底的

s. painstakingly careful and accurate


1.That would be fine, but you both need to thoroughly, thoroughly wash and rinse your hands.

也可以 但你们俩都必须 彻底洗干净双手

2.thorough told us that buses were now fitted with outside cameras and thorough is how we’ll get him for these murders and attempted murders.

查得彻底让我们知道现在公交装有车外摄像头 查得彻底也能让我们抓到他 谋杀及谋杀未遂的证据

3.It was so stupid. I should have been more thorough.

我太蠢了 我应该调查得更周密些

4.I didn’t check up on you. I’m thorough.

我没有查你 我只是深入了解了一下

5.But we’ll have a thorough check all the same.


6.You’ve been so thorough, I don’t have any questions at all.

您讲得非常透彻 我没有别的问题了

7.How was the tour? It was thorough.

探索得怎么样 全转过了

8.I would have him thoroughly vet this.


9.She was thorough. I’ll give her that.

她滴水不漏 这点必须承认

10.You were very clear, and we have been thorough and fast.

非常清楚 我们的调查彻底而快速
