
n. 志愿者
a. 志愿的
v. 自愿

n. (military) a person who freely enlists for service
n. a person who performs voluntary work
v. tell voluntarily
v. agree freely


1.What are you doing here? I’m volunteering.

你在这干嘛 我自愿来的

2.No, you volunteered because of who you are.

不 你自愿报名是出于你的自我

3.I’m more than that. I’m a volunteer.

不止如此 我是个志愿者

4.Andrew, if she wants to wants to volunteer, let her volunteer.

安德鲁 如果她想去做志愿者 就让她去吧

5.I’ll be with my volunteers, where I should be.


6.I was going to use this big knife to force them to carry me up, but these volunteers just volunteered.

我本想用这把大刀逼他们把我抬上来的 但这些志愿者自己志愿了

7.We’re gonna need to shoot our zombie volunteers in the face, which means we’re gonna have to protect the faces of our zombie volunteers.

这意味着我们要对着僵尸志愿者的面部开枪 因此我们必须想办法保护 僵尸志愿者的面部

8.I wasn’t volunteering. It was my job.

我不是主动 这是我的职责所在

9.And you’re testing this with all of the volunteers before and after.

你打算对比 所有测试者实验前后的数据

10.I volunteer here so I know her from there.

我在这做志愿者 所以认识她的
