
adv. 到处, 贯穿全部地, 自始至终
prep. 遍及, 在各处
[计] 吞吐量

r. from first to last


1.every story of good and bad from throughout history, throughout time, says that you are the embodiment of evil.

想想历史上 从始至终 每一个关于善恶的故事 都说你是 的化身

2.If it happened a second time, it probably has happened, you know, a colossal number of times throughout the co os and throughout its history.

如果它发生了第二次 那也许在宇宙空间中 在漫长的历史里 这已经发生了无数次

3.I used it to travel throughout space, where I found entire galaxies, swarming with intelligent life, all under threat… by a barbarous creature moving unchecked throughout the universe, devouring these civilizations one by one.

我利用它遨游太空 发现了完整的银河系 里面住着许多智能生命 他们都受到同样的威胁 一个残暴的生物不受约束地在宇宙间穿梭 一个接一个地吞噬掉那些文明

4.Thank you for being there for me throughout all of this.

谢谢你能陪着我 经历这一切

5.throughout our day, we’ll be cleaning up this.


6.I did all of your homework throughout high school.


7.You’ll notice all the charming details throughout.


8.Your team is wellknown throughout the city.


9.I imagined I was seeing him all throughout the train.

我覺得我在火車的任何角落 都能看見他

10.We had surveillance devices throughout his home.

