
vt. 以…回答
vi. 回答, 响应, 回报, 有反应, 承担责任

v. respond favorably or as hoped


1.People of your ilk may respond differently, but they do respond.

像你这样的人也许会有不同反应 但一定会有反应

2.When we respond, and we will respond, it will be with decisive and with deadly force.

当我们回应时 而我们也一定会回应 哈里发军队 将被彻底铲除

3.Yeah, well, if she wasn’t responding to physical stimuli, then she was responding to something you were saying.

如果她不是对物理 产生反应 那就是对你们说的话产生了反应

4.We will respond proportionally, and we will respond in a place and time that we choose.

我们会加倍奉还 我们会在我们选择的时间与地点进行回应

5.When asked the other day how you would respond if the mayor offered to keep you on for four more years, you chose not to respond.

前几天你被问到 如果市长让你再留任四年 你会如何回应 您选择沉默

6.So I have to acknowledge a physical threat, and that’s scary, because my body still responds to a physical threat in the same ways that it used to respond to a physical threat, and I get tense, and, you know, my blood starts pumping.

我必须承认 现在有了人身威胁 太可怕了 因为我的身体仍然在对人身威胁作出反应 用跟以前一样的方式来应对它 我会紧张 同时我的血液开始上涌

7.We’ll get a sense for how it works once it’s actually implanted into a human, so this is a schematic representation of how we might implant the capsule under the skin and then the capsule could potentially respond to the radiation exposure and once it responds it will release the therapeutic molecule or the protective molecule altering the physiology of the astronaut and protecting that astronaut from whatever threat exposure has happened.

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8.It won’t respond to the drugs I have.


9.So, that’s the time you have to respond.


10.How would I respond, what would I ask.

我会怎么回答 我会怎么问
