
n. 凯旋, 胜利, 欢欣
vi. 得胜, 成功

n. the exultation of victory


1.So your visit was a triumph? It was.

你们这一趟很成功吗 是的

2.It should have been your day of triumph, not degradation.

本该是你的成功之日 而非 之时

3.It’s not trivial. It’s a triumph of will.

不是微不足道 那是意志的胜利

4.I’ve not been tracking your business triumphs.


5.Of course, I’ve followed all your triumphs.


6.It was an astounding and welldeserved triumph.

这次成功震惊四座 当之无愧

7.This is disgusting! It’s the triumph of the anarchists.

太恶心了 这是无政府主义者的胜利

8.I triumphed in the conclave, and you are my subjects.

我赢得了选举 而你们都将向我臣服

9.And this is the heart that triumphs in their death.

而这便是因他们一命呜呼 而狂喜的心

10.Ours is a story of sacrifice and triumph.

我们的故事讲的是牺牲 与凯旋
