
n. 枕头, 靠垫, 枕状岩
vt. 作…的枕头, 垫, 枕于
vi. 靠在枕上

n. a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person
v. rest on or as if on a pillow


1.Don’t put your face in this pillow, bad shit happens to this pillow.

别把脸靠近这个枕头 这枕头不干净

2.Don’t put your face in this pillow, bad shit happened to this pillow.

别把脸靠近这个枕头 这枕头不干净

3.Someone who thinks I won’t other them with a pillow while they’re asleep, until I other them with a pillow while they’re asleep.

认为我不会在她们睡梦中 用枕头闷死她们 直到我在睡梦中用枕头闷死了她们

4.Cos you know, you put them under your pillow, and then you put your pillow on, and you absorb the knowledge while you’re asleep.

因为如果你把书放在枕头下 把枕头盖在上面 你就可以边睡边吸收知识了

5.Where did you get that ? It was on my pillow.

你从哪找到的? 在我枕头上

6.Not as proud as she is of those pillows.


7.All you did was fill it with these pillows.


8.No, it’s just a pillow and a blanket.

不是 只是给你拿个枕头和毯子

9.And here’s your newspaper and tushie pillow.


10.That’s why they call it a throw pillow.

