
n. 加法, 增加的人(或物)
[计] 加法

n. a component that is added to something to improve it
n. the act of adding one thing to another
n. a quantity that is added
n. a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area


1.There’s additional information in the complaint as to additional torture, as to additional mutilation, as to additional mechani s of death, which includes manual strangulation and gunshot wounds.

这份供词中还有更多信息 更多的 更多的残害 更多的致死方式 包含勒颈和枪伤

2.Please allow additional time to reach your boarding gate and passing additional security tests before boarding the plane.

请提前到达登机口 在登机前通过特殊安全测试

3….and that there may be additional fatalities.


4.You’d be a strong addition to our faculty.


5.There’s some additional tapes you should see.

还有其他视频 你应该看看

6.And we’ll have expedited all the additional research.


7.It’s a powerful addition to the survey.


8.They’ll be a lovely addition to the garden.


9.All that for only five additional credits.

所有这些 只需多付五个信用点

10.An addition to our family is not a replacement.

我们将多一个家庭成员 而不是替换掉你
